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Strong language in a sentence

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Sentence count:24Posted:2017-08-13Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: programming languagelanguagebad languagemetalanguagesign languagebody languagelanguage barrierromance language
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1. The movie has been edited for strong language .
2. There is too much strong language on TV.
3. He stood up and objected in strong language.
4. It condemned in extremely strong language what it called Britain's iniquitous campaign.
5. Pamela was unrepentant about her strong language and abrasive remarks.
6. The film contains strong language and violence.
7. Northern church leaders used equally strong language about their southern counterparts.
8. The following programme contains strong language[], and some viewers may find it offensive.
9. That is strong language, but it is also the essence of Anwar's defence case.
10. Pardon my strong language, please.
11. He set at his adversary in strong language.
12. He set about his adversary in strong language.
13. You shouldn't use such strong
14. She had learned strong language from her stepsons.
15. Blood and Gore , Intense Violence, Strong Language, Strong Sexual Content, Use of Drugs.
16. This play contains adult themes and strong language which may be offensive to some.
17. Sound technical English language capabilities as well as strong language with developed written communication skills.
18. Has strong language and text of the ability to separate the drafting of various documents.
19. Chris's strong language skills should serve him well in the world of business.
20. Human integrity, a quick mind, strong language, those interested in network development.
21. This film is not suitable for children under 12 as it contains strong language.
22. The monitors of the People's Daily's main discussion group let this strong language remain on the website.
23. The film has lots of violence, scenes of drug-taking, and strong language.
24. This may be related to the Mongol skilled bilingual Chinese living environment for the use of strong language, and Chinese on the relative frequency.
More similar words: programming languagelanguagebad languagemetalanguagesign languagebody languagelanguage barrierromance languagefigurative languagestronglyganglandstrongstrongerstrongholdstrong-armstrongboxstrongmanstrong armheadstrongstrong forcestrong-mindedlouis armstrongon guardvanguardenglandat long lastlanguorlanguidlong-lastingbangladesh
Total 24, 30 Per page  1/1 
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